2X EpiArt HS Taq Master Mix-with Gel Loading Dye
This product uses the molecular-engineered Hot-Start EpiArtTM HS Taq DNA Polymerase and an optimized-buffer system to achieve superior amplification efficiency, sensitivity and specificity for bisulfite-converted DNA compared with common PCR reagents.
The pre-formulated 2 × Master Mix can be used for PCR reactions by simply adding primers and templates to reduce the number of pipetting steps and improve throughput and the reproducibility of results. EM202 (this product) contains an additional blue dye that is amenable to direct electrophoresis after the reaction is completed, which is thus more convenient to use, than EM 201 (a separate but related product, also available).
This product can be used with the EpiArtTM DNA Methylation Bisulfite Kit (Vazyme #EM101). The PCR products contain A at 3'-end, which can be directly cloned into the T vector and applied to ClonExpress® Rapid Cloning Kit from GeneBio Systems (Vazyme #C112/C113/C115) and 5 min TA/Blunt-Zero Cloning Kit (Vazyme #C601).
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